Terminal Guide:

88x31 Buttons:

The Wind Terminal The Wind Terminal The Wind Terminal The Wind Terminal The Wind Terminal The Wind Terminal

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Wind OS Changelog:

WindOS v0.8f

  • Introduced Ethereal Transmission.
  • Wind Terminal Wisps.
  • Grief Resources menu.

WindOS v0.7e

  • Optimized for Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
  • Background options in themes.
  • Added Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0
  • Added Wind OS 404 Error

WindOS v0.6d.4

  • Performance considerations.
  • Animation limitations.
  • Font and window size adjustments specific to terminal deployment.
  • Light Theme Options. Now 18 themes!
  • Added comments to the code forest.

WindOS v0.6d.2

  • Themes framework!
  • 9 themes to choose from.

WindOS v0.6d.1

  • About menu ASCII.
  • About menu neoFetch info placeholders.
  • Re-ordered menu.
  • Added static menu access.
  • Header terminal-style rework.

WindOS v0.6d

  • Background and transparency adjustments.

WindOS v0.5c

  • Instructions disappear.
  • Viewport specific to portrait devices.
  • Header for title and version.
  • Removed local message storage.
  • Removed edit/delete options.
  • Sliding fade for ethereal message deletion.

Internet Time:


Aperture Clear?

< Yes > < No >

#> Welcome to The Wind Terminal.

A text-based ethereal bridge to the spiritual realm.

  .---------.	  wind@terminal#>
  |.-------.|	  ----------------
  ||>wind# ||	  OS: WindOS v.08f
  ||       ||	  Host: AL-31000
  |"-------'|	  CPU: BCM2710A1
.-^---------^-.   Memory: 512MB
| ---$terminal|   HTML - CSS - Js
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 #>Access the Wind Terminal<# 

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.:/WindOS Bulletin Board System\:.

#> What is a Wind Terminal?

A Wind Terminal serves as an etheric bridge to the spiritual realm, offering a text-based means for sharing thoughts and ideas with those beyond. Messages sent by the terminal are transported to the ethereal plane.

The Wind Terminal merges a text-based interface with the classic Wind Phone functionality, enabling users to type a message and speak to a chosen loved one or friend, thus preserving the tradition of providing comfort and connection.

"The telephone won't carry my voice, so I let the wind do it."
- Itaru Sasaki

Our objective is to offer the Wind Terminal and WindOS as an extension of the Wind Phone project, continuing efforts to give back to our communities and support recovery, reconciliation, and personal solace during difficult times.

Do you have an old laptop or tablet kicking around? A forgotten tower PC, fax machine, netbook, sidekick, or palm pilot? We encourage you to find the personal Wind Terminal platform of your own by transforming lost technology and 'ewaste' into memories and connections once again.

WindOS is cross-platform and medium agnostic capable of running on nearly any configuration.

#> What is a Wind Phone?

The Telephone of the Wind, known as Kaze No Denwa (風の電話) in Japanese, was created by Itaru Sasaki in 2010. Itaru-san established this unique phone booth in his garden in Ōtsuchi, Japan, to cope with the grief of losing his cousin to cancer. The booth features an old-fashioned rotary phone, not connected to any network, allowing individuals to hold one-sided conversations with their deceased loved ones, thereby finding solace and a sense of continued connection.

In 2011, the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami devastated the northeastern coast of Japan, causing immense loss of life and destruction. Ōtsuchi was particularly hard-hit, with many residents losing family members and friends. The Wind Phone gained widespread attention as it provided a way for the bereaved to express their grief and find comfort in the aftermath of this disaster. It became a symbol of hope and healing for many affected by the tragedy.

Over time, the Wind Phone has drawn thousands of visitors from across Japan and around the world, each seeking to process their own losses. Its story has inspired similar installations in other countries, emphasizing the universal need for emotional expression and connection in times of grief.

The Wind Phone's profound impact highlights the importance of finding personal and communal ways to cope with loss and underscores the resilience of the human spirit.

Join us in exploring the possibilities in finding connection amongst the disconnected.

-- Wind Terminal MCP

June, 2024

#> Active Terminal Deployments

Our first Wind Terminal is a re-deployment of the EZLink Internet Kiosk and lives at our residence in the garden. We are exploring opportunities to place the Wind Terminal in a nearby park for all to use and experience. Learn more about the EZLinks:

History of the Wind Terminal Project

EZLink Television Commercial featuring Bob Eubanks.

Our EZLink machine, from 2003, was a freestanding portal to the internet, a camera that takes pictures and videos, a commercial and billboard display device, and a payphone all rolled into one. We have a particular fascination with teardown, disassembly, and restoration of electronics with a soft spot for 'ewaste'.

The Wind Terminal project allows us to repurpose old technology in a new way, ultimately giving new life to a forgotten platform. Contribute and follow our project on Github.