The Wind Terminal

Messages sent from this terminal are transported to the ethereal plane.

What is a Wind Terminal?

A Wind Terminal serves as an etheric bridge to the spiritual realm, offering a text-based means for sharing thoughts, ideas, and remembrances with those beyond. Messages sent by this terminal are transported to the ethereal plane.

The Wind Terminal merges a text-based interface with the classic Wind Phone functionality, enabling users to type a message and speak to a chosen loved one or friend, thus preserving the tradition of providing comfort and connection.

“The telephone won't carry my voice, so I let the wind do it.” – Itaru Sasaki

Reuse old devices to host your own Wind Terminal, extending the legacy of connecting with those beyond.

How to use WindOS (IE6 Style)

Grief Resources

Navigating the profound depths of grief, depression, and loneliness often feels like an insurmountable journey.

You are not alone.

If you’re grieving or need help, please reach out to friends, family, or professional services.

About / Version

WindOS v0.8ie6 (IE6 Edition)

  .---------.	  wind@terminal#>
  |.-------.|	  ----------------
  ||>wind# ||	  OS: WindOS v.08ie6
  ||       ||	  Host: AL-31000
  |"-------'|	  CPU: P4 Williamette
.-^---------^-.   Memory: 256MB
| ---$terminal|   HTML - CSS - Js
 _ _ _ _       _    _____ _____ 
| | | |_|___ _| |  |     |   __|
| | | | |   | . |  |  |  |__   |
|_____|_|_|_|___|  |_____|_____|

Enter-key submission, timed fade-out, plus a secondary fade for the confirmation text. This keeps the message area clear while letting you see each message’s journey to the “ethereal plane.” We've customized this version with primitive IE6 Javascript support and early CSS characteristics of the time.